How to Recycle Your Already-Vaped Bud

Recycling is all the rage these days. People are finding new ways to give their used items a second life, from plastic bags to old electronics. But what about your already-vaped cannabis? Is there a way to recycle that, too? Yes, there is! And we’re here to show you how.

What is Already-Vaped Bud?

First, let's start with the basics. What exactly is already-vaped cannabis, or AVB (already-vaped bud)? Well, it's exactly what it sounds like. It's the cannabis that's been used in a vaporizer, leaving behind a dry, brownish-green residue. Some people might throw this stuff away, thinking it's useless but that's where they're wrong.

So, without further ado, here are some fun and creative ways to recycle your AVB:

Make Edibles

This is probably the most popular way to recycle AVB. You can use it to make some delicious and potent edibles. Simply grind up your AVB and mix it in with your favourite recipe. Brownies, cookies, and gummies are all great options. Just be careful with the dosing, as AVB is already decarboxylated and can be quite potent.

Use it as a Topping

If you're a fan of pizza or baked potatoes, you can sprinkle some AVB on top for an extra kick. Just make sure to mix it with some cheese or butter to help it stick.

Smoke it

Yes, you read that right. You can actually smoke your AVB. While it might not taste great, it can still get you high. Just pack it in a bowl or roll it up in a joint and smoke away.

Use it as Compost

AVB is full of nutrients and can be a great addition to your compost pile. Just mix it in with your other organic waste and let nature do its thing.

Make Tea

If you're not a fan of smoking or edibles, you can always make a nice cup of AVB tea. Simply boil some water and steep your AVB for a few minutes. Add some honey or lemon to mask the taste.

Final Notes

Now, I know what you might be thinking. These ideas might sound a little crazy. But isn't that the beauty of recycling? You never know what you might come up with. So, the next time you vape your cannabis, don't throw away the AVB. Give it a second life and see what creative ideas you can come up with. Who knows, you might just discover your new favourite way to consume cannabis.
