What is Foxtailing?

Foxtailing is a term used to describe the appearance of cannabis buds when the calyxes (the small, leaf-like structures that cover the flower) are forced to grow out of the buds due to high temperatures or light intensity. This phenomenon causes the buds to take on a foxtail-like shape, hence the name "foxtailing."

Is it Beneficial?

While some cannabis growers may view foxtailing as a desirable trait because it can make buds look larger and more visually impressive, it is actually a sign of stress and can negatively impact the overall quality of the plant. When the calyxes grow out of the buds, they are more exposed to light and air, which can cause them to become drier and lose some of their potency.

What Causes Foxtailing? 

Foxtailing is typically caused by environmental factors such as excessive heat, high humidity, or light intensity. When plants are exposed to temperatures above 30 degrees Celcius or 85 degrees Fahrenheit, they can become stressed and begin to produce foxtails. Similarly, when plants are exposed to high levels of light, they may also produce foxtails as a response to stress.

In addition to affecting the quality of the buds, foxtailing can also impact the yield of the plant. When the calyxes grow out of the buds, they are not as dense as they would be otherwise, which can reduce the overall weight of the harvest.

How to Avoid Foxtailing

To prevent foxtailing, it is important to maintain optimal growing conditions for cannabis plants. This includes keeping temperatures between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, controlling humidity levels, and using appropriate lighting. It is also important to choose strains that are less prone to foxtailing, as some strains are more susceptible to this phenomenon than others.

Final Notes

Overall, foxtailing may make cannabis buds look more impressive, but it is actually a sign of stress and can negatively impact the quality and yield of the plant. To prevent foxtailing, growers should maintain optimal growing conditions and choose strains that are less prone to this phenomenon. By doing so, they can ensure that their plants produce high-quality, potent buds that are free from foxtails.
