Keeping Your Sesh Lowkey: Tips for Discreet Consumption

As cannabis legalization continues to spread across various regions, many people are embracing the recreational benefits of this plant. 

However, not everyone may be comfortable with public consumption. 

For these reasons, it's essential to know how to keep your cannabis session lowkey and discreet. 

By following these tips, you can enjoy your cannabis experience without drawing unnecessary attention.

Choose the Right Location

Selecting the right location is crucial for a discreet cannabis session. 

If you're in a country where cannabis consumption is legal, make sure to consume it only in designated areas, such as licensed cannabis lounges or private properties where it's permitted. 

Avoid consuming in public places, especially in crowded areas, parks, or near schools, as this can attract unwanted attention.

Invest in Odor Control

One of the biggest giveaways of a cannabis session is the unmistakable smell that accompanies it. 

To keep things discreet, invest in odor control measures. Consider using a vaporizer, as they produce less noticeable odors than traditional smoking methods. 

Additionally, using airtight containers to store your cannabis and smoking accessories will help prevent the scent from permeating your surroundings.

You can also light scented candles or incense to mask any lingering smell, but be cautious not to draw attention to the act of trying to hide the scent.

Opt for Discreet Consumption Methods

Vaporizers are a great option for discreet consumption due to their minimal odor and discreet appearance. 

There are also other discreet consumption methods available, such as edibles, which have no smoke or smell associated with them.

Pre-filled vape pens are another popular choice for on-the-go use. They resemble e-cigarettes and are easy to use discreetly in public spaces without attracting attention.

Keep It Small and Personal

Having a lowkey cannabis session is often more manageable with a smaller group of trusted friends. 

Large gatherings can draw unwanted attention and increase the likelihood of disturbances.

Keep your circle small and ensure that everyone present is responsible and respectful of the need for discretion. 

This way, you can have an enjoyable and relaxed time without feeling self-conscious.

Be Mindful of Noise Levels

Loud music, laughter, and excessive noise can attract attention to your cannabis session, especially if you're in a residential area.

 Keep noise levels down, and if you're listening to music, use headphones instead of playing it through speakers.

Final Notes

Enjoying a cannabis session doesn't have to be a loud or public affair. By following these tips, you can keep your cannabis sesh lowkey and private.

When used responsibly and discreetly, cannabis can provide a pleasurable and relaxing experience for you and your friends.
